AI Projects

This page lists AI and ML tools, projects, and processes I use to enhance my productivity and that my team or others may find interesting. (some of the details/implementation specifics need to be filled in)

  1. Product Manager Story Creation Tool
  2. AI-Powered Product Management Workshop
  3. GEMBA translation measurement
    • Project Goal: Using Microsoft Translator to evaluate the quality of machine translations, specifically using a method that relies on large language models
  4. Note summarize custom GTP
    • Project Goal: Take raw meeting transcripts from tools like Google meeting notes and generate output that includes the Attendee List, Action Items, Key Outcomes, and Strategic Decisions.
  5. Quick Video Script and Image Creator – Creates the inputs for a short 60-second video on any topic
    • Project Goal: Research a topic and provide 5 facts, generate a script, generate funny headlines for each section of the script, and generate images that will go along with the script
  6. ML Project to predict lead quality in lead generation products
    • Project Goal: Predict lead quality and conversion probability using only limited self-reported user data from form submissions – ML Engineer published paper on or work –